Thursday, February 24, 2011

Helping a family

This is Jon with Yanira, Dincy and Jairo.  They are in a family that lives right beside the Home.  Their mother has kidney disease and is not likely to survive.  Yanira, the oldest girl below, has some medical problems and Jon and I took her to the cardiologist for and EKG on Tuesday.  They could not afford to pay for the tests so Servants raised money to help them.  She needs a series of test but we were blessed by God that this first EKG was only $7.50!
 We also took Dylan and Missy with us to go shopping for food for the family.  One of Yanira's problems is that she skips meals so her younger brother and sister can eat.

1 comment:

  1. It is a real shame, the difficult decisions some people make out of love for others. I hope Yanira never has to miss a meal again.
    Darryl's Mom
